Yesterday the Mad Scientist visited BCS. It was a fun day filled with Science. #bcsgreatplacetobe #madscientist

BMS is proud to introduce Principal for the Day Aria Sullivan. Principal Sullivan spent the day monitoring the halls, assisting with dismissal, and helping with lunch duty. Thank you the BAA for helping find BPS another great principal. #bmsgreatplacetobe #communitypartners

Enjoy the beautiful spring weekend and these beautiful spring flowers from grade 2. #bcsgreatplacetobe

Please share so that we can spread the word to our community, especially those who are not connected to the schools. Come to Town Meeting a little early on Monday, June 5 and take a tour of the building.

Check out our website for all information about the BCS Building Project.

Our friends at the Berkley Public Library are hosting a fun summer reading program. Visit the Friends of Berkley Public Library page on our website. https://www.berkleypublicschools.org/page/friends-of-the-library #BPSgreatplacetobe #communitypartners #summerreading

BMS Grade 8 students participated in the annual Bristol County Teen Safety Summit, held at UMASS Dartmouth yesterday. The theme this year was "adulting 101". #bmsgreatplacetobe #teensafetysummit

Check out the week ahead.

We are always happy to get pics from our BCS Afterschool Slime Club. #bcsgreatplacetobe

Busy Day at BMS. A fun time had by all when grade 4 came to BMS this afternoon for the Grade 4 & 5 Step Up social. #bmsgreatplacetobe #futuregrade5

Congratulations to Grade 8 students Grace Tweedie and Jacob Wilson who were awarded the Scholar Leader Award by the New England League of Middle Schools for Berkley Middle School. #bmsgreatplacetobe #berkleyproud #scholarleader #NELMS

Ms. Aguiar's Grade 8 art classes collaborated with Ms. Carter's Grade 4 art classes on a project called Berkley Superheroes. Grade 4 students created 2D figures and Grade 8 students turned the 2D figures into 3D sculptures. #bpsgreatplacetobe #Berkleyproud

Mark your summer calendar with this FREE fun event hosted by our friends at the Berkley Public Library. #communitypartners #Berkleysummerfun2023

Congratulations to BMS grade 6 student Piper Cody who was showing at the Fieldstone Show Park in Halifax. In her discipline of Hunter/Jumper she is currently jumping 2'6" on her horse Marigold. #bmsgreatplacetobe #berkleyproud

On Thursday, under the direction of music teacher Ms. Reynolds, Grade 2 put on an amazing spring concert. #bcsgreatplacetobe #berkleyproud

For the first time ever we have 2 pages worth of events! Check them out. #BPSgreatplacetobe

Thank you to all the moms and those who act as moms! Enjoy your day!

BCS is excited to introduce our Principal for the Day, Sophia Rodenbush. Principal Rodenbush spent her day doing announcements, assisting with drop off, handing out awards, and visiting a few classrooms. Thanks to the BAA for helping find a future Principal. #bcsgreatplacetobe

BPS is celebrating Staff Appreciation Week this week. We are grateful for all of our staff everyday but wanted to make sure we recognized our amazing School Nurses on National School Nurse Day. Thank you Nurse Bernard and Nurse Leonardo! #bpsgreatplacetobe #schoolnurseday2023

This week Berkley Public Schools celebrates our amazing teachers and staff members during staff appreciation week. We are grateful for service and dedication of every member of Berkley Public Schools today and everyday. #bpsgreatplacetobe