Make sure you register for the BCS Activities Committee Fall Fun at Simcock Farm by Friday. #BCSgreatplacetobe #BCSActivityCommittee
almost 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Flyer for Simcock Fam Fall Fun
Berkley Public Schools is excited to partner with the Bristol County Sheriff's Department this school year with their comfort dog program. Our first visit on Thursday brought lots of smiles, pats, and a few baseball cards.
almost 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Comfort dog visiting BMS.
Sheriff handing out a baseball card
Comfort dog with students
Comfort dog with the sheriff and Principal Francisco
Don't miss out of registration for the BAA's Recreational and Travel Basketball Season. Also, did you know that you can find information about the BAA on our new website under the Parents, Family, and Community section in the Menu. #bpsgreatplacetobe #friendsoftheBAA
almost 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
2022-2023 Berkley Athletic Association Recreational and Travel Basketball Registration Flyer
2022-2023 Berkley Athletic Association Recreational and Travel Basketball Registration Flyer
Today was such a great day! The heat broke just in time for our Kindergarten Picnic. We are so excited to welcome our 2022 K students to BCS! Get your backpacks ready and we will see you all soon! #berkleyproud #bcsgreatplacetobe #everythingineedtoknowilearnedinkindergarten
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
kindergarten students playing on the playground
sign welcoming k students and their families to the picnic
families picnicking with kindergarten students
principal Francisco on the playground structure with kindergarten students
Some pictures from our Ocean Splash Art Camp at BCS. #berkleyproud #bcsgreatplacetobe
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Splash art of  a blue jellyfish
two students sitting at a table drawing
Three students sitting at a table painting
two students and three paper mache projects
Check out some pictures from the final performance of the BMS Musical Theater Camp this summer. #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Middle School students on stage gathered in two groups
Middle school students performing on stage
middle school students performing on stage
Middle school students performing on stage
Check out our summer Imagination Movers and their egg drop projects. We dropped eggs from the top of the BCS slide. 4 students engineered a safe egg landing on the ground. #berkleyproud #BPSgreatplacetobe #engineers #imaginationmovers #summerenrichmentprograms
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Three students holding their egg drop project
Eight students holding their egg drop projects
picture of the egg drop projects on a red table
Ever wonder what happens at school during the summer? We are so grateful for our custodians and maintenance staff who work in the summer heat to get our schools ready for our students and teacher. #berkleyproud #theymakeusshine #gratefulforourcustodians
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
picture showing desks in the hallway and then the shiny classroom floors after being waxed
Read a book. Go for a swim. Go for a bike ride. Play outside. Eat an ice cream. Have a great summer. We are going to get ready for 22-23. See you in the fall. #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe #bcsgreatplacetobe
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
last day of school! have a great summer!
Check out this great picture from Capital Tours of our Grade 8 students in front of the Capital Building. #bmsgoestowashington #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Grade 8 standing on the steps in front of the Capital Building in Washington DC
A great dinner last night. Heading back to Berkley later today. #bmsgoestowashington2022 #bmsgreatplacetobe #berkleyproud
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
the sunset on the bay
a group of girls posing in front of the bay
the students standing on the dock
the staff posing in front of the dinner boat
This post is a little late but we are so grateful to the Somerset Berkley Education Foundation for funding a grant to install communication boards at the BCS Playgrounds. This teacher requested project brought increased access and equity for all students to play together at BCS.
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
picture of a communication board hung on the playground railing
picture of a communication board hung on the playground railing
Enjoy Washington DC and the National Cathedral. Also took in the Museum of National History and the Museum of American History. This evening, the monuments at night. #bmsgoestowashington2022 #bmsgreatplacetobe #berkevproud
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
the national cathedral. students standing between the pews
grade 8 class photo in Washington DC
Had a good nights sleep and a good breakfast and already into the heart of the city. Saw the Vietnam Memorial and the Statue of the Fallen Soldier. #bmsgoestowashington2022 #berkleyproud #bnsgreatplacetobe
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
students walking along the mall in Washington DC
picture of the Vietnam memorial
statue of the fallen soldier in Washington DC
picture of the national mall
We made it to DC and the White House. #bmsgoestowashington2022 #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
students standing outside the fence looking at the White House
Grade 8 made if their hotel in Philadelphia and made their way into Washington DC for the evening. #bmsgoestowashington2022 #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
students lined up outside the hotel
the view of Philadelphia skyline from the highway
students in a human pyramid outside their hotel in Philly
we the people monument in Washington DC
Stay tuned this week for pictures from our grade 8 Washington DC trip. First pit stop on the road to DC. #BMSvisitsDC2022 #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
group of 8 students posing in front of a Dunkin coffee shop
Grade 8 leaves at 5:00 am tomorrow morning to head to Washington DC for the rest of the week. We are so excited that they get to enjoy this trip. If you look close you can see Principal Hebert at the end of hall making sure loading these suitcases goes smooth tomorrow morning.
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
a hallway at school with luggage lining the hallways
Thank you to Stacy LaFountain and the Grade 8 families for the staff room make over at BMS. They transformed it to a comfortable and tranquil work and break space. We are so lucky to have an amazing community supporting our teachers and schools. #berkleyproud #bmsgradeplacetobe
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
coffee bar area
pictures of the BMS staff room with lunch tables and seating area
sitting area
snack area
We were so happy to have our graduating seniors return to BCS and BMS for one final walk through the halls. Congratulations! #berkleyproud #bcsgreatplacetobe #bmsgreatplacetobe #2022graduates #sbrhs
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
signing asking seniors who their elementary teachers were
sign welcoming seniors and asking them what they wanted to be in elementary school and what they want to be now
Berkley seniors standing around the sign at BCS
Berkley seniors standing around the sign at BCS