Thank you to the amazing Teachers and Staff of Berkley Public Schools! This week we celebrate you! #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe #bcsgreatplacetobe
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Ryan
Picture  with various school supplies that says, Thank You BPS Teachers and Staff Appreciation Week, May 2-6, 2022 Berkley Public Schools is grateful for all our amazing teachers and staff who give to our students and school community every day.  You make BPS a great place to be!
Superintendent Ryan was so excited to be the guest reader for Ms. Guilmette's Grade 3 class today and share her favorite book, "86 Years: The Legend of the Boston Red Sox." #berkleyproud #bcsgreatplacetobe #guestreader #redsox
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Ryan
Hola 3G, Let's Build Reading Forts! AND have a special guest reader
Superintendent Ryan sitting in a chair reading to students sittinh on floor
Superintendent Ryan sitting in a chair reading to students sittinh on floor
Superintendent Ryan posing with Ms. Guilmette's class after being a guest reader
Happy Administrative Professional's Day to the amazing team that supports Berkley Public School's every day! We love you and would be lost without you! #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe #bcsgreatplacetobe #administrativeprofessionalsday2022 #wehavethebest
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Ryan
Happy Administrative Professionals Day Card
Grade 2 checking out the animal habitat dioramas that they their classmates made. #berkleyproud #bcsgreatplacetobe #animalhabitats
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Ryan
students looking at the animal habitat dioramas in the hallway of a school
Animal habitat diorama of a river, trees, and rocks
animal habitat diorama of river, trees, bird, and animal at the river
Students walking down the hallway looking at animal habitat dioramas
Don't miss the Somerset Berkley Regional High School production of Disney's The Little Mermaid. This is the first spring musical since 2019! All four students who produced the BMS production of Frozen Jr. are involved in this show. It is sure to be an amazing show! Use the QR Code below to purchase tickets.
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Ryan
Poster for Somerset Berkley Regional High School Drama Production of Disney's The Little Mermaid