Thank you Berkley PTO, Berkley Police Department, Berkley Fire and Rescue for a great night at the Santa Drive Thru. Special shout to the Grinch who made a guest appearance and maybe even had a smile or two. #bcsgreatplacetobe #communitypartners
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
BFD with fire department
BPD with the Grinch
The Grinch
Check out what's happening this week at Berkley Public Schools.
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
This week at BPS
Caught some photos this time. Our Berkley PD teaching teachers. The topic is heavy and hard to stomach for teachers but made better by working with local officers. #bpsgreatplacetobe #berkleyproud #communitypartners
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
police officer teaching teachers
police officer teaching teachers
police officer teaching teachers
police officer teaching teachers
Tonight the Board of Selectmen honored Richard Thorne for earning the honor of Eagle Scout. Richard is the son of BMS teacher Melissa Thorne and his project was to restore the outdoor classroom at BMS. BPS is proud and grateful. #bpsgreatplacetobe #eaglescout #berkleyproud
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Eagle Scout presentation from BOS
Eagle Scout presentation from BOS
Eagle Scout presentation from BOS
Eagle Scout presentation from BOS
We didn't get any pictures yesterday but wanted to thank the Town of Berkley Massachusetts Police Department for working with our staff to update our emergency response procedures. Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe. #bpsgreatplacetobe #communitypartnerships
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Thank you Berkley Police Department
Berkley Public Schools is so grateful for the amazing support of our paraprofessionals! We are grateful for our paraprofessionals on Educational Support Professionals Day and everyday! #thankyou #weloveouresps #bpsgreatplacetobe
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Thank you BPS paraprofessionals
Grade 8 had a day last Friday in Boston - The Freedom Trail and Faneuil Hall #bmsgreatplacetobe #Freedomtrail #Faneuilhall #Bostonfieldtrip
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Grade 8 on the steps of Faneuil Hall
Grade 8 Standing in front of the Boston sign
Grade 8 students listening to the tour guide of the Freedom Trail
Grade 8 students listening to the tour guide of the Freedom TrailGrade 8 students listening to the tour guide of the Freedom Trail
A perfect fall moment for Kindergarten students at recess today. #bcsgreatplacetobe #playintheleaves #fallmoments #kindergarten
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Kindergarten students playing in the leaves at recess
BCS is excited to announce the annual November Food Drive to benefit Berkley's Open Shelves Food Pantry. The Open Shelves Food Pantry offers confidential food assistance to families in need in Berkley. If you could use some temporary food assistance, please call 508-823-3273.
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
November Food Drive
Description for Food Drive Items
Thank you to the Berkley Fire Department for an amazing Fire Safety Week. Berkley Firefighters visited all the classrooms at BCS to discuss fire safety and we had a visit from Sparky the Fire Dog. #bcsgreatplacetobe #communitypartners #loveourfirefighters
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Sparky the Fire Dog visiting classrooms
Berkley Fire Fighter teaching a class about fire safety
Berkley Fire Department in front of the BCS Sign
Principal Francisco and Assistant Principal Cogar with Sparky the Fire Dog
Join our SEPAC for Spooky Sundae - hayride and make your own sundae at Simcock Farm in Swansea. Visit our website to purchase tickets.
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Spooky Sundae
National Principals Month honors principals for their impact on the success and well-being of our nation's students. Join BPS as we celebrate our awesome principals for their leadership. Principals Francisco & Hebert and Assistant Principals Andrade & Cogar #ThankAPrincipal
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Thank you #thankaprincipalmonth
Last night this group of administrators, parents, teachers, and a former student worked until 8pm to update the strategic plan for BPS. We are grateful for their passion, commitment, and vision for the district. Stay tuned for your opportunity for input. #bpsgreatplacetobe
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
working on updating the strategic plan
updating the strategic plan
updating the strategic plan
updating the strategic plan
Make sure you register for the BCS Activities Committee Fall Fun at Simcock Farm by Friday. #BCSgreatplacetobe #BCSActivityCommittee
about 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Flyer for Simcock Fam Fall Fun
Berkley Public Schools is excited to partner with the Bristol County Sheriff's Department this school year with their comfort dog program. Our first visit on Thursday brought lots of smiles, pats, and a few baseball cards.
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Comfort dog visiting BMS.
Sheriff handing out a baseball card
Comfort dog with students
Comfort dog with the sheriff and Principal Francisco
Don't miss out of registration for the BAA's Recreational and Travel Basketball Season. Also, did you know that you can find information about the BAA on our new website under the Parents, Family, and Community section in the Menu. #bpsgreatplacetobe #friendsoftheBAA
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
2022-2023 Berkley Athletic Association Recreational and Travel Basketball Registration Flyer
2022-2023 Berkley Athletic Association Recreational and Travel Basketball Registration Flyer
Today was such a great day! The heat broke just in time for our Kindergarten Picnic. We are so excited to welcome our 2022 K students to BCS! Get your backpacks ready and we will see you all soon! #berkleyproud #bcsgreatplacetobe #everythingineedtoknowilearnedinkindergarten
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
families picnicking with kindergarten students
sign welcoming k students and their families to the picnic
kindergarten students playing on the playground
principal Francisco on the playground structure with kindergarten students
Some pictures from our Ocean Splash Art Camp at BCS. #berkleyproud #bcsgreatplacetobe
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Splash art of  a blue jellyfish
two students sitting at a table drawing
Three students sitting at a table painting
two students and three paper mache projects
Check out some pictures from the final performance of the BMS Musical Theater Camp this summer. #berkleyproud #bmsgreatplacetobe
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Middle School students on stage gathered in two groups
Middle school students performing on stage
middle school students performing on stage
Middle school students performing on stage
Check out our summer Imagination Movers and their egg drop projects. We dropped eggs from the top of the BCS slide. 4 students engineered a safe egg landing on the ground. #berkleyproud #BPSgreatplacetobe #engineers #imaginationmovers #summerenrichmentprograms
over 2 years ago, Berkley Public Schools
Three students holding their egg drop project
Eight students holding their egg drop projects
picture of the egg drop projects on a red table