Meteorologists from Ms. Freitas' Grade 3 class are presenting their forecasts for the week. Superintendent Ryan will need to consult these meteorologists for the next snow day call. #bcsgreatplacetobe


Please join BPS in recognizing our amazing Assistant Principals, Mr. Andrade and Ms. Cogar during this National Assistant's Principal Week. BPS is grateful for our awesome APs and all they do to support our schools! #bpsgreatplacetobe #APweek23

This Week...

An amazing Berkley's Got Talent show last night. This sold old show raised almost $5000 to provide a wooden eagle statue for BMS, a $1000 scholarship to a Berkeley student going on to do something in the arts and to support both the BCS and BMS music programs! #bpsgreatplacetobe

Ms. Mickune-Santos and Ms. Smith hosted a March Madness book bracket. The winner was The Sneezy Snowman beating out Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in the champion face off. The best part is the students got to keep a copy of the winning book. #bcsgreatplacetobe #marchmadness

Grade 8 had a fun night throwing back to the '90's tonight. Take a look through the pics and decide who had more fun - the staff or the students. #bmsgreatplacetobe #90sdance

Beginning April 1, 2023, MassHealth will return to the regular renewal process. MassHealth will need to renew all members’ health coverage to ensure they still qualify for their current benefit. More info about the redeterminations process at mass.gov/masshealthrenew.

Artist Spotlight, Grade 6 Student, Dominic Chen's origami display in the foyer at BMS. #bmsgreatplacetobe #berkleyproud #artistspotlight

It might not be convenient but it's necessary. Some drilling is happening at BCS today as part of the feasibility study. There may be some traffic changes for P.M. pickup today. Check out our website for more information on the BCS School Building project. #bcsbuildingproject

Great unified basketball game this afternoon. It came down to the final seconds with Case taking the W 31-30. Well done Berkley Eagles. #bmsgreatplacetobe #unifiedbasketball #unifiedsports #berkleyproud

Check out what happened this week at BPS.

A sign of spring in schools means preparing for MCAS testing. Assistant Principal Cogar and Principal Francisco meet with grade 3 & 4 classes today to help get them get ready for MCAS testing which starts next week for grades 3 and 4. #bcsgreafplacetobe

Today we started our in-service day recognizing the many wonderful years of service for from our staff member. Thank you for your commitment and service to the students and the community of Berkley. #bpsgreatplacetobe #thankyouforyourservice #berkleyproud

Check out what is happening this week.

Lots happening at BCS on this early release day. Wear Green Day and Game Day in Ms. Freitas' class. #bcsgreatplacetobe

Ms. Thorne's Grade 7 Math class had a fun day celebrating Pi Day yesterday. #bmsgreatplacetobe #piday #314

Be safe!

Our friends at Rodrigues Farm are hosting a special event on April 7 & 8 and would like to invite our students and families. #bpsgreatplacetobe #communitypartners

Check out what is happening this week. #bpsgreatplacetobe