Check out this week at BPS!

Things our students love....

Some cute pictures from the afterschool slime club. #bcsgreatplacetobe #afterschoolactivities

Berkley Public Schools celebrates National School Counselor's Week! We are so grateful for our amazing and supportive counselors, Ms. Cortese at BMS and Ms. Wolfe at BCS. #bpsgreatplacetobe #NSCW23 #MASCADreamBig

This week at BPS.

Grade 8 students weren’t happy with the Chromebook background the Technology Director threw together so they designed their own in Technology class and asked the Superintendent to have it changed. Here’s the new student created design. #bmsgreatplacetobe #graphicdesigners

Check out all the awesome activities and events that our friends at the Berkley Public Library offer for children in our community. #bpsgreatplacetobe #communitypartners #berkleypubliclibrary

You won't want to miss this amazing show! Get your tickets now! #bmsgreatplacetobe #bmstheater #beautyandthebeast

We are hiring 2 Long-Term Substitute Positions for the spring. Contact Melissa Abrego at mabrego@berkleypublicschools.org with questions.

Student's in Ms. Lindsay's Grade 2 class wrote their own books and enjoyed an author's celebration. #bmsgreatplacetobe #grade2authors #wewritebooks

Check out our BMS cheerleading squad at our basketball games. #bmsgreatplacetobe #BMScheerleading

Check out what is happening this week.

Grade 3 students had a fantastic performance by Nancy Bell, a “Young Audiences of MA”performer, today called “Spinning History”. Thank you SBEF for supporting our students learning about the history of Massachusetts #greatplacetobe #MAourhome

Our future is in good hands with Grade 1 students. #bcsgreatplacetobe #ihaveadream

Check out what is happening this week.

Thank you to the Somerset Berkley Education Foundation for funding preschools multicultural dress-up clothes. #bcsgreatplacetobe #SBEF

Grade 4 interpretation of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. #bcsgreatplacetobe #vangoghinspired

Check out what's happening at BPS.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Thank you to the Berkley Teachers Association for hosting a great evening of Candy Bar Bingo at BCS! #bpsgreatplacetobe