Week 35
Ms. Andreasen's reptile club really escalated from last week's salamanders. Check out these brave BCS reptile club members. #bcsgreatplacetobe
Third grade is having fun investigating crayfish. Check out Ms. Nune's class learning how to pick up the crayfish for the first time. #bcsgreatplacetobe
We hope to see you at the Memorial Day Parade.
Remember to join us tomorrow night for our Budget Information Presentation. You can meet in the BMS Cafeteria or use the link to join us virtually (Google Meet). We will record the meeting and share it afterward. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.
Week 34
Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible women who bring love, care, and strength into our lives! Whether you're a biological mother, a stepmom, an adoptive mom, a grandmother, an aunt, or any other maternal figure, your love and devotion are celebrated today and every day.
We hope that you can join us. Note the date change from the original email. The date is nowTHURSDAY, MAY 16.
Today, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible school nurses, Ms. Bernard and Ms. Leonardo, who play an invaluable role in keeping our students and staff healthy, safe, and thriving.
Ms. Quinlan's Slime Club always brings lots of smiles and lots of fun. #bcsgreatplacetobe
Heartfelt appreciation to all BPS teachers & staff! Your dedication profoundly impacts lives. In a world that overlooks your significance, know you're valued & respected. Your influence extends beyond the classroom, shaping futures. Thank you for all you do! #bpsgreatplacetobe
Week 33
BPS loves our School Lunch Heros! Thank you for all you do to help take care of our students and staff every day. #bpsgreatplacetobe
On Tuesday night, students from Mr. DeMello's Civics class posed questions at the Meet the Candidates Night. Questions were specific to the Board of Selectmen candidates and created by students. They are our future leaders and voters...in 4 short years. #bmsgreatplacetobe
Yesterday our TLC classroom performed their play The Friendly Dragon. This play was initiated and written by the students and was absolutely amazing. The end result after months of work deserves a giant Bravo! #bmsgreatplacetobe
Mark Your Calendar
BPS wants to recognize our amazing Principals on National Principal's Day. In addition, we want to also recognize a few other administrators who often go unrecognized, including Melissa Abrego, Administrator of Student Services; Ms. Tripp, Director of Business Services; and Mr. Darosa, Director of Technology,
Berkley High School Seniors mark your calendar. We hope to see you walk the halls of BCS and BMS one last time.
Week 32 - BPS has several important meetings this week regarding the budget
Reptiles may not be for everyone but look at the smiles from Ms. Andresean's reptile club. #bcsgreatplacetobe